YBF training conference


YBF - Young Britons' Foundation – has announced details of its fifth and largest YBF activist training conference. YBF5 as it's called, will be held at Wellington College, Berkshire, from Friday 24 October to Sunday 26 October. Confirmed speakers include Tory Local Government spokesman Eric Pickles MP, ace Cameroonie Ed Vaizey MP, libertarian Douglas Carswell MP, Eurosceptic MEP Daniel Hannan, taxpayers' friend Matthew Elliott, newshound Jonathan Isaby, blogger Iain Dale, and the Adam Smith Institute's own Eamonn Butler. 

Places are limited and it's first come, first served. Cost for the three days and two nights residential course - including meals, tuition, materials and accommodation is £95 per person, or £75 for students in full-time education. Details on facebook here – email donal@ybf.org.uk to reserve a place.


The politics of fear


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