Whaling does indeed tell us something about oil and fossil fuels

The Guardian asks:

The modern oil industry was born in 1859, yet it would take more than 100 years – and the near-extinction of a species – before it replaced blubber. As we now seek to replace oil in turn, are there lessons to be learned?

Yes, absolutely. The clue is here:

But it is worth remembering that whaling did not end because the industry found its conscience or progress made everything better. Whaling ended because there were no longer enough whales to turn a profit

Not wholly and not quite. What really happened is that oil became both cheaper and better than whales as a product to use. Therefore people stopped using whales - thus no profits to be had - and used oil instead.

So, what is necessary to stop us using oil? That the alternative, whatever new technology that is, be better and cheaper. This is not only necessary it is sufficient. Humans like cheaper and better, it’s what makes us richer. So, create the technology which is cheaper and better and people will entirely naturally stop using oil and use instead the new.

Well, get on with it then.


Markets are the cure for this, not the cause


What does anyone expect?