Adam Smith Institute

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Ingrained contempt


Over at the ToryDiary on ConservativeHome Tim Montgomerie discusses the predictive powers of William Hague and how he was insightful in seeing the demise of the support for New Labour. William Hague back in 1999 spoke of how support for New Labour would go through certain stages:

"For when I spoke to you in this hall two years ago I said that New Labour would bring first fascination, then admiration, then disillusionment and finally contempt. At that stage the admiration was running high; now the disillusionment is beginning; and mark my words, they are not so far away from contempt."

That was a whole decade ago, and while it has taken time for the contempt to spread, it has finally reached the surface and can now be seen boiling over. Even in the heartland of assured areas of support, e.g. Comments on an article by Gordon Brown, and in the latest polling showing the Prime Minister is an even bigger hindrance. There should be no surprise at politicians being held in contempt, the surprise is in that it ever went away.

The Conservatives between 1992 and 1997 were firmly believed to be incompetent in all that they did, and when we review the reign of Gordon Brown in the future we will no doubt look back comparably. We should always hold politicians in contempt after all it is an exact reflection on how they act. They continually see themselves as being able to operate above the law. Should any of us attempt to do so, by withholding our own property from their clutches, or speaking our minds, then we have to bear the consequences as they legitimately use violence against us. The politician who is humble to us is a rarity, if not an extinct species. Perhaps one day we shall find a way to recreate them, maybe through the institution of a Bill of Rights to protect us. Until then contempt should be our natural emotion when our eyes fall upon a politician.