Politics & Government Steve Bettison Politics & Government Steve Bettison

The progressive train to nowhere


The smoke and mirrors of politics were on show on Tuesday at Demos, where David Cameron's right hand man, the Shadow Chancellor, George Osborne MP gave a speech claiming that the Conservatives were now the torch holders of progressives politics. The ideal being that the Conservatives would reform public services, rather than cutting them (the reforms being sufficient enough to reduce costs). This, in itself, is to be the measure of progress. Progressivism is now being embraced by the conservatives: either this is the politics of triangulation or the air being cut off to conservative brains.

Progress is to realise the folly of government intervention of the past 70 years. It is to realise that for the UK to turn itself from being a debt riddled, inefficient, morally bankrupt, ill-bred and unhealthy nation public services need to be radically reduced in size, not tinkered with at the edges. After the elecion of the Conservative administrations we'll have progressed exactly nowhere. Government will still be in excess of 40% of GDP, debt will still be a weight towering over us and politicians will still be grappling with whether we are responsible enough to do x,y and z. What the conservatives should be proposing is a dramatic reduction in business taxes/regulations to increase growth, reducing the tax burden on the poorest and ensuring that the state is withdrawn from much of public life. That is how we progress rather than wallow and regress as this current crop of politicians want us to.

From 1945: "In the interests of the nation and of the world, we earnestly urge all progressives to see to it - as they certainly can - that the next Government is not a Conservative Government but a Labour Government..." Where has the alternative to big government gone? There is no one offering us a way out of this era of indebtedness and wasteful spending and as such our progress will be continually held in check by the political class.

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International Dr Fred Hansen International Dr Fred Hansen

Obama and Europe


European opinion leaders just don’t get it. Instead of celebrating president Obama as the new messiah they should put all their bets on failure for both them and us. The man in the White House is keen to emulate the European social democratic model.

An excellent article in the WSJ observes that the very European welfare state has been subsidized by the American taxpayer for half a century. It was only thanks to the very expensive American defense umbrella that the Europeans were able to ignore military expenditure and instead spend like mad on welfare.

It was the strong American consumer demand, driven by free market economics, that provided an excellent market for European products - but perhaps not much longer. If president Obama gets his way both enormous benefits for Europeans will vanish.

As Jeff Durstewiz concludes:

The great irony here is that the European model American leftists envy couldn’t survive without the despised cowboy counterpart. If the U.S. economy weakens because of increasing regulation, heavy-handed unionization, and higher taxes and debt to support an expensive social agenda – all policies Mr. Obama and the Democrats in Congress are pushing hard – it will hurt Europe.

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Tax & Spending Philip Salter Tax & Spending Philip Salter

Deal with unemployemt - Scrap the minimum wage


With unemployment now at around 2,435,000, it is clear that despite all the talk of green shoots, they are certainly not taking root in the job market.

Unsurprisingly, those in the public sector are still doing nicely. In the three months to May the public sector saw an average pay rise of 3.7%, while average annual rate of pay rose at 2.5%. For those in the manufacturing sector that saw an average pay increase of 1.1%, this is a slap in the face.

The response to unemployment by both Lord Mandelson and George Osborne has been to attack the other for their lack of policies. Yet it is quite clear that both are at something of a loss on how to deal with unemployment beyond the introduction of equally wasteful and ineffective government initiatives. Of course Mervyn King has had an idea – namely quantitative easing – whicn I would rather he had kept to himself. The BBC reports that he is planning other stimuli. Inflation is certainly not the best way out of recession.

In truth, the only sustainable way to deal with unemployment is to remove the shackles placed upon businesses of onerous and multifarious government regulations. A good place to start would be scrapping the minimum wage. Although when we were riding high on the credit bubble, such talk of its removal would have been met with bafflement by many, now that the bubble has popped, this policy could be an honest way to work our way out of this recession.

Scrapping the minimum wage would have immediate benefits for those employers that could afford to take someone on for less than £5.73 per hour and for the workers who would rather work for less than not at all. And certainly many of those currently unemployed do indeed want to work. The statistics show that many recently unemployed are not turning to the state for handouts but are instead relying upon family and savings, a dignified mentality that this government cannot understand (it is launching an investigation into the discrepancy).

As the IEA found in its extensive analysis of the minimum wage prior to its introduction in 1999, “in a period of sustained economic growth, a minimum wage has negligible positive or negative effect; but in a period of recession a minimum wage is likely to deepen that recession by preventing labour markets from clearing. Firms will be unable to take on new employees willing to work for relatively low wages in order to escape unemployment; if firms cannot take on new employees and people cannot exit from unemployment, then the route out of recession becomes much slower and more arduous."

Scrapping the minimum wage is a policy that the opposition parties could and should immediately adopt. The economics and morality behind such a decision are entirely sound. This Prime Minister should be held to account for his decision to introduce and increase the minimum wage when he was Chancellor and the effect these decisions are now having upon the job market and in prolonging the recession.

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Politics & Government Wordsmith Politics & Government Wordsmith

Howard Flight on elected tyranny


The system we now have is one of “elected tyranny", where, provided governments have a large enough parliamentary majority, they continue in power until legally obliged to call a General Election, irrespective of their competence; and become ever more out of touch with the nation. The floor of the House of Commons has become little more than an ill-attended, empty shell, apart from the weekly “spectacle" of Prime Minister’s Question Time.

Howard Flight 'The number of independently-minded MPs of stature can be virtually counted on one hand' ConservativeHome.

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Regulation & Industry David Rawcliffe Regulation & Industry David Rawcliffe



With the announcement of the government’s latest policy idea comes that familiar mixture of disbelief and despair. This time, DEFRA is demanding that supermarkets end buy-one, get-one-free offers. The aim is to reduce food waste, but the proposal is idiotic from start to finish.

First of all, it probably won’t reduce waste. As those of us without a £400 per month food allowance know, supermarkets often offer two-for-one deals on products that are near their sell-by date, to get rid of them before they perish. It’s commonsense that banning the deals will mean more food ends up in the supermarkets’ bins.

Even if it does reduce waste, a ban wouldn’t help anyone. The market, left alone, allocates food pretty efficiently. Supermarkets offer BOGOFs because it makes them richer, and people buy them because it makes them happier. Banning them will eliminate mutually beneficial trades, and make both groups worse off.

To suggest that people are unable to manage their own grocery shopping, that the state needs to step in to make sure we’re not going home with more food than we can use, is as insulting as it is ridiculous. Perhaps Hilary Benn and chums would also like to regulate how long we grow our hair and what colour socks we wear.

This is the sort of creeping interventionism that constitutes an ever-growing threat to our economic liberty. If Tesco wants to give me a free punnet of strawberries then that’s up to them. If I want to amass vast quantities of perishable fruit and leave it to rot in my kitchen then that’s up to me. The government should keep well out of it.

The worst thing about the proposal is that it distracts from real problems. Tinkering with supermarket offers is a gimmick that diverts attention from genuine waste. DEFRA should take another look at the Common Agricultural Policy, that last year funded uneconomic agricultural production worth €55bn.

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Regulation & Industry Nigel Hawkins Regulation & Industry Nigel Hawkins

Renewable generation – The reality


Government ministers continue to eulogize about the potential of UK renewable energy. New policy documents have proliferated and ever more ambitious targets are being set. What remains short, though, is adequate finance for renewables investment, which remains uncomfortably dependent upon the six integrated energy suppliers and on the monopoly grid operator, National Grid.

For some years now, these six players have dominated UK electricity generation. EdF, and the two German companies – E.On and RWE - are the leading players in England, along with Centrica. North of the border, Iberdrola, the owner of ScottishPower, and Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE), which owns many old – and fully depreciated - hydro-plants, prevail.

Since the net debt levels of most of these companies have soared over the last two years, there are now more financial constraints on their investment programmes. Importantly, EdF’s investment focus is on new nuclear-build. And, whilst E.On remains committed to heavy renewables investment overall, much of it will be in the US. Moreover, Centrica’s strong interest in renewables has been diluted by the recent fall in gas prices. But Scottish renewables investment remains robust with both Iberdrola and SSE, along with Sweden’s Vattenfall, continuing to support new wind projects there.

Securing grid connections also remains a serious problem, especially in developing offshore wind plants. This scenario is not helped either by National Grid’s net debt currently exceeding £22 billion. In terms of renewable technologies, only onshore wind – with a few exceptions – has made real progress to date in the UK, especially in Scotland where planning requirements are less restrictive. Offshore wind offers some prospects, along with biomass plants, which the Government has been trying to develop.

The key issue remains. Will the six integrated energy companies deliver the required renewables investment, given the many attractive investment opportunities beyond the UK - notwithstanding their own deteriorating finances?

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Energy & Environment Steve Bettison Energy & Environment Steve Bettison

Food food everywhere...


...but not a morsel to spare. Or so we are being led to believe by the Anderson Review. This view is further entrenched by the opposition's, Nick Herbert, highlighting our 'shockingly' increased reliance on food imports. Yet a question hangs over both of these opinions: what is the problem?

Why is food security important? To the government it represents a step in the process of controlling our food supply chains and food production. In no uncertain terms: nationalization. To the Conservatives the remaining large agri-businesses represent a key constituent in funding and support, and therefore anything they can do to increase agricultural prices to the detriment of the consumer will be undertaken. Both approaches show the short sighted, short-term gains and befuddled economic thinking of our current crop of inept politicians and inane civil servants.

Why do we want to produce something at a higher cost when someone else wants to do it for us, cheaper and more environmentally friendly than we can? Where is the benefit to us? Quite simply: there isn't any.

We currently hold enough intelligence to feed all the people of this world (and a few billion more). Yet we decide to hinder ourselves by attempting to make bio-fuels, subsidizing farming, rejecting GM Crops and embracing previous technologies that tie multiple farmers to the land in inefficient modes of production (re: organic and fair trade). All of this is done so that the moral minority can sleep at night safe in the knowledge that they are doing their bit to reduce their impact on the climate. They are living in the Dark Ages and pulling the already impoverished unto them, foisting a life of drudgery and despair on them. All in the name of their selfish ideal. We have been feeding ourselves since the New Stone Age, 10,000-15,000 years ago (becoming more successful as time passed). We need to end farm subsidies/food tariffs, privatize land and seas, and get government out of the way; this would lead to efficient production and resource allocation and the alleviation of food shortages.

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Liberty & Justice David Rawcliffe Liberty & Justice David Rawcliffe

Are you being watched?


The latest report by the Interception of Communications Commissioner reveals that government authorities monitored citizens’ telephone calls and emails more than 500,000 times last year.

This “Use of Communications Data" is permitted under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, which has introduced a system of governmental surveillance on a scale unprecedented in Britain, and internationally unrivalled.

Of course, the police and the security services need the means to investigate serious crimes and prevent acts of terrorism, but these demands must always be balanced against the protection of privacy; both because our privacy is inherently valuable, and because a system of surveillance inevitably risks abuse by rogue employees or government itself. A just policy must be based on two principles: proportionality and supervision.

The current arrangement is far from proportional. The Act (together with subsequent statutory instruments) allows almost 800 government bodies, from the Charity Commission to Wiltshire County Council, many with no obvious law enforcement responsibilities, to view our telephone and email records, and to send employees to follow us covertly. These powers have notoriously been used to pursue infringements as trivial as allowing a dog to foul on the street. The power to listen in on our telephone calls, surely among the greatest possible intrusions into our privacy, can be justified under the dangerously imprecise purpose of “safeguarding the economic well-being of the United Kingdom." We must recognise that these surveillance measures should only be used in the most serious circumstances, and (given past events) we should not trust the authorities to exercise restraint in their use of the legislation. The measures must be restricted by statute to be employed only by the police and security services, and only in cases of national security or serious criminal behaviour.

The RIPA act is even weaker in ensuring adequate supervision. All the surveillance measures covered in the Act can be authorized by an officer of appropriate seniority within the investigating organisation itself, with the exception of intercepting the contents of telephone calls and emails, which requires a warrant be signed by the Home Secretary. These are hopeless safeguards: the executive has no incentive to restrain itself. Authorisation of surveillance must be put in the hands of the judiciary (as the Lib Dems suggest), who can provide genuinely independent supervision with adequate concern for citizens’ privacy. Unless a court decides to the contrary, details of any surveillance should be released to the suspect if a conviction does not result.

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