Adam Smith Institute

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ASI comments on the Queen's Speech feature in The Telegraph and Real Business

The Adam Smith Institute's comments on the Queen's Speech have featured in The Telegraph and Real Business. From The Telegraph:

But Charlotte Bowyer, head of digital policy at the Adam Smith Institute, warned of potential negative consequences from the “heavy-handed” ban.

"Just as incredibly destructive drugs like crystal meth and crack cocaine emerged from a clampdown on less risky drugs, so legal highs fill a void for the recreational drug user.

"A 'blanket ban' on psychoactive substances may eliminate high street 'head shops', but will push trade underground and encourage a slew of new, even more dangerous alternatives,” she said.

"The fact that everyday substances like caffeine, alcohol and tobacco would be covered by such a ban (and have to be exempted) just shows how all-encompassing and heavy-handed such an approach is. To reduce harm from drug use the government should instead legalise recreational drugs like cannabis, ecstasy and cocaine so they are available with rigorous safety controls."

Read the full article here.

From Real Business:

Eamonn Butler, director of the Adam Smith Institute, said:

"Greater financial devolution to Scotland will create a healthier public debate there. Instead of 'How do we spend England's money?' attention will turn to 'How much will Scottish taxpayers be willing to stump up for our generous spending plans?' The SNP might then find themselves facing a real popular opposition.

"The devolution plans will hit major opposition from English MPs unless there is a credible 'English votes for English laws' initiative. It is well beyond time that the West Lothian question was resolved.

Read the full article here.