Stubbed Out: The Case for an OTP Carve-out

The proposed Generational Smoking Ban has been supported by both major parties. However, there are serious concerns about the evidence base for the banning on Other Tobacco Products, or OTPs.

Our report outlines that:

OTPs, other than Shisha or Waterpipe Tobacco Products, and cigarillos, do not pose a recognised public health concern, as per the government’s own admission;

• The government has not adequately addressed the medical arguments about OTPs in its Markov Model or in the Khan Review, meaning that it cannot claim to be following evidence based policy;

• The government has not adequately addressed the commercial problems of the ban raised by the OTP market, and has not included these in its impact assessment.

Our report recommends that:

• The government should carve-out OTPs, other than Shisha or Waterpipe Tobacco Products, from the bill, or at least hold back on the ban of OTPs until a review of the bill is considered;

• The government should carve-out heated tobacco products from the ban, as these are a form of tobacco harm reduction, with a ban creating a less permissive environment for those wanting to quit smoking;

• Thee government review the OTP sector on medical and commercial grounds, and integrate findings into its modelling and impact assessment, and by extension, the legislation;

• The government review the Markov model, and integrate data from the OTP sector in its analysis;

• The government review its policy on evidence-based policy making based on how the modelling around the policy has played out;

• The government incorporates our proposed amendment to better align its legislation with its aims.


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