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Blog Review 830


A very interesting indeed speculation about how advancing science might make certain moral certitudes untenable. It's already true that the ideas of Simon Baron Cohen on systemising and empathic aptitude (on average!) differences between men and women are rejected, not because they are wrong (which of course they might be) but because the implications are uncomfortable to certain such certitudes.

Yes, of course the current crises have people arguing for what they want anyway....whether or not it solves any of the current crises.

This gas crisis. The gas gas crisis, not the American petrol one. Something that would simply go away if we had a proper competitive market.

And no, we do not need to have masses more storage for said gas. It's stored very well right where it is, underground.

Perhaps (and no, this isn't satire) the return of town gas would be a good idea?

All hail the "Lilley Option". It often is the correct thing to do: nothing.

And finally, yes, the rules for the rulers are different from those for the ruled.



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Healthcare Tim Worstall Healthcare Tim Worstall

The Daily Outrage


The Daily Mail has a large story about how much the NHS is paying to hire agency staff to cover holes in the payroll.

Millions of pounds of health service funds are being wasted employing agency nurses on up to £128 an hour. This is almost ten times the amount paid to an experienced staff nurse  -  and equates to a salary of £250,000. Overall, the health service spent almost £800million on agency doctors, nurses and consultants in 2006-07, according to the figures uncovered in a Freedom of Information request. That could fund around ten hospitals or employ 30,000 full- time experienced nurses.

But the important line is I think this:

He said many nurses were emigrating, partly because the NHS could not help with high housing costs in many areas.

Or if you want to put that more properly, the NHS cannot vary wages across areas with different living costs, for it is bound into a rigid straitjacket of national pay scales. We looked at this near the beginning of last year.

Wages and living costs vary widely across the country but NHS pay (bar a too small London weighting) does not. Thus a nurse of a specific grade trying to live in the SE is in poverty compared to one on the same wage elsewhere. Not surprisingly those parts of the NHS in the more expensive areas of the country find it difficult to recruit and retain staff. They thus have to hire agency staff at great expense....and note that being agency staff is the only way that staff in such expensive areas can earn more than the nationally set NHS wages. This leads to less than desirable outcomes: 

A 10 percent increase in the outside wage is associated with a 4 percent to 8 percent increase in AMI death rates.

That is, in richer areas of the country, where wages are higher, death rates from heart attacks are higher than in areas with lower general wages, because the NHS national wage rate makes hiring and retaining staff more difficult. It isn't just the cost of those agency staff which is the daily outrage, it's that people are dying because we have a national pay scale.

The obvious answer is to abolish the national pay scale and tell hospitals to pay whatever they need to to attract the necessary staff. Sadly it won't happen, for there are those who would insist that death for some is better than any violation of their sense of what is just or righteous. Like, for example, wages set upon supply and demand rather than central planning.

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Liberty & Justice Philip Salter Liberty & Justice Philip Salter

Oxymoronic compulsory volunteering


A few weeks ago Melanie Reed wrote a piece in The Times in which she called for voluntary work to be made compulsory. Waiting for the punch line I now realize that she was not joking. She does indeed believe that we should be forced to volunteer.

This is how Reed’s vision play out:

What we must do, I suggest, is introduce a new concept of universal compulsory volunteering. (As practised in the Army: “Right lads, we need three volunteers - you, you and you.") Everyone aged 12 to 85 would have to devote a minimum of 12 days a year to the service of others - causes of any kind, as long as they are worthwhile. It might be giving financial advice to a charity, walking dogs, mentoring young offenders, gardening for the elderly. People could choose; but they must make a commitment.

What, you might ask, would happen to you if you choose not to volunteer? Well, “months of community service, or raised taxes“. One wonders whether Reed had even thought before writing this, and more importantly why she is not writing for The Guardian. The main reason people don’t volunteer is because politicians have stripped us of so much power, money and time that we have little left to give. Forcing us to volunteer would be the pièce de résistance in the historic failure of public policy as social engineering.

Let’s hope Cameron doesn’t read The Times. He has already dabbled with the idea of forced volunteerism before. With a bit of a facelift we could see this become Conservative policy. It is entirely possible; take a look at Obama’s plans to forced volunteering.

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Miscellaneous Dr. Eamonn Butler Miscellaneous Dr. Eamonn Butler

On the eleventh day of Christmas...


My true love sent to me: eleven pipers piping. It might refer to the eleven loyal apostles.

Pipers are becoming harder to get, because of noise at work regulations. Scotland’s army pipers are only allowed to practice 25 minutes a day to protect their hearing.

When the regulations were put forward a year ago, some bright spark pointed out that the crowd roar at Anfield, Old Trafford and the like often exceeds the 90p decibel limit, so presumably premier league footballers should be wearing ear muffs. Likewise orchestras playing the 1812 Overture. There were red faces all round, but the regulators gave the entertainment industries eighteen months to find a solution to their problem. Their problem? It’s the regulators’ problem!

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 829


One the first and second laws of supply and demand. Or why we shouldn't be freaking out about markets.

How about a list of famous errors made by economists? Worth pointing out that a hypothesis struck down by an ugly fact subsequently being rejected as a hypothesis is one of the marks of the scientific method.

10% of HMRC's records are wrong. Bodes well for the ID card system, doesn't it? And shy is such a computer system so darn expensive?

Things you shouldn't do (but which people have done) when looking for a job as an economist.

The inanity of targets in the NHS.

Just what is a Nobel Prize worth?

And finally, tractor production is up Comrades!

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Miscellaneous Tim Worstall Miscellaneous Tim Worstall

Agreeing with James Hansen on climate change


I know, I know, this is near heresy. But James Hansen, one of the more apocalyptic prophets of climate change, has written an open letter to Barack Obama and I find myself agreeing with one of his major points. It has to be said that I disagree on many others: my longstanding view has been that climate change is not an immediate nor a catastrophic problem, it's a chronic one that we can deal with quite easily as long as we give ourselves the requisite decades to a century to do so. This is the part that I do agree with:

A rising price on carbon emissions is the essential underlying support needed to make all other climate policies work. For example, improved building codes are essential, but full enforcement at all construction and operations is impractical. A rising carbon price is the one practical way to obtain compliance with codes designed to increase energy efficiency. A rising carbon price is essential to "decarbonize" the economy, i.e., to move the nation toward the era beyond fossil fuels. The most effective way to achieve this is a carbon tax (on oil, gas, and coal) at the well-head or port of entry. The tax will then appropriately affect all products and activities that use fossil fuels. The public's near-term, mid-term, and long-term lifestyle choices will be affected by knowledge that the carbon tax rate will be rising.....A carbon tax is honest, clear and effective. It will increase energy prices, but low and middle income people, especially, will find ways to reduce carbon emissions so as to come out ahead. The rate of infrastructure replacement, thus economic activity, can be modulated by how fast the carbon tax rate increases. Effects will permeate society....."Cap and trade" generates special interests, lobbyists, and trading schemes, yielding non productive millionaires, all at public expense. The public is fed up with such business.

I've deliberately left out his proposal that the tax should be returned as a dividend, I don't think it's necessary. Reducing other taxes instead would work just as well: the important point would be revenue neutrality.

But this is I think the correct way to go about things. We don't have to ban anything, like planes or runways, we don't need a "fundamental change in the structure of our society", we don't need to cripple the economy and we certainly don't need vast amounts of central planning. We just need to incorporate the externalities of carbon emissions into the market. Cap and trade does that with too much politics involved so a carbon tax (or as it is called, a Pigou Tax) looks better to me.

Now all we need is to work out what that carbon tax should be? The logic of Pigou taxation is that the tax should equal the harm being done. We have our number for the harm from the Stern Review, that $85 a tonne CO2. Or as Defra (the number is different but the same for technical reasons) has it, around £30 per tonne CO2. Given our total emissions of some 500 million tonnes a year from these islands that means a tax burden of some £15 billion a year and reasonable estimates are that we already pay that amount in emissions taxation.

See, I told you we could deal with this quite easily for we already do have the appropriate tax levels. Problem solved.

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Politics & Government Andrew Hutson Politics & Government Andrew Hutson

Political highs and lows


The BBC has released a video of the ‘Political Highs and Lows of 2008’. It features a host of BBC political commentators, as well as Esther Rantzen saying she would like to see Cameron become “older" and more “stalwart" over time (I’m not quite sure where she came from).

The consensus seems to be that the financial crisis has improved Gordon’s popularity, even to the point that Labour has a realistic chance of victory in the next election. It is interesting to see how poll results show the public as being unable to look to the long term, and to observe how fickle they have become. Despite many people blaming the government for the financial crisis and subsequent economic downturn, they are quick to forget this once they see Gordon Brown splashing billions of our pounds around. At least he’s doing something, they think, so we might as well let him carry on.

The worrying thing is, Brown's gesture politics could just work. There is a long list of examples where this type of tokenism has been believed and the government has come out relatively unscathed, or even benefited. To take a couple of recent examples: the recent reduction in VAT will have almost no impact on consumption and British troops will only be withdrawn from Iraq so they can go and fight a seemingly un-winnable war in Afghanistan instead.

The trouble is that people rarely look beyond the headlines (why should they, I suppose?), or the past the short-term impact of political decisions. That's why we're likely to see more of this sort of politics in the run-up to a general election, and not less.

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Miscellaneous Dr. Eamonn Butler Miscellaneous Dr. Eamonn Butler

On the tenth day of Christmas...


My true love sent to me: ten lords a-leaping. This probably refers to the Ten Commandments, but lords today aren't exactly leaping to do anything, particularly to reform the House of Lords.

The subject has been talked about for decades. Everyone has agreed that reform is needed, but nobody has ever been able to decide exactly what. The trouble is that the House of Lords has actually worked quite well. It has checked the House of Commons, but not been able to override it. The hereditary peers might have been overwhelmingly old, white, posh, bumbling prats, but in fact the system brought in lots of people you never see among the serried ranks of lawyers and political careerists in the Commons - more young people, more women (until recently), more people of all classes (Lord Nelson was a policeman, I recall), more communists, more libertarians...

Tony Blair took a major step in abolishing the heredities - or most of them: these peers are pretty nifty politicians, having had the gene in their families since Tudor times. But that leaves us with a House of Lords that is appointed. This can be good - non-politicians like the medical pioneer Lord Winston bring enormous depth to the House's discussions. And even ex-politicians can bring a lot of experience. But a House full of the Prime Minister's chums is not a delectable prospect.

Nor is an elected House - it will just fill up with the same political lawyers we have in the Commons. If we're going for elections, it needs to be a completely different system, with different constituencies, and radically different rules. Personally, I'd prefer the first 500 people out of the phone book. Or almost anyone, provided they didn't want to do the job.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 828


A short list (a full one would be much longer) of things which are not economically possible but which are politically so. As long, that is, as we recognise that while the political system may say they can be made possible economics ensures that they cannot be.

Isn't technology wonderful? Making money by giving things away. Creative destruction at its most creative and destructive.

Rural Scotland might not be quite the best place for Britain's first spaceport.

Just as Britain in winter might not be the best place to be relying upon windmills to generate energy.

As ever, there's a very large number of people who don't know how lucky they are.

No we don't face peak uranium. Not now and not for a very long time at least.

And finally, political headlines of last year.

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Tax & Spending Terry Arthur Tax & Spending Terry Arthur

Credit Crunch update: why not go with the form?

Meanwhile (16th December) David Aaronovitch’s aplomb knows no bounds. He wheels out J K Galbraith and Franklin D Roosevelt in support of his contention that history has lessons (really?) and it supports economic intervention (at times like this). Galbraith was the anti-freedom guru who (almost alone) believed the absurd and bogus output statistics of Soviet Russia right through to the mid-eighties, a quarter of a century after they were originally exposed. As for FDR’s recession-busting skills, Aaronovitch tells us that “many credit his New Deal with ending the recession", noting that 3 years after the 1929 crash and before Roosevelt’s accession “almost a quarter of working-age Americans were unemployed". What he didn’t tell us is that this statistic (and many others) barely budged throughout that decade. Indeed pre-Depression prosperity was not reached until after World War II. The evidence that the New Deal prolonged the recession is clear.

Chutzpah indeed! So why not go with the form – which means Ludwig von Mises (who throughout the second half of the 1920s predicted the Great Depression) and the Austrian School. As Mark Thornton writes about the last crash (1999-2002): “Given that the Austrian School is both small in number and marginalised in the profession, their dominance in making predictions seems like an elephant in the soup bowl". The same goes this time round with several Austrians pointing out the unsustainability as early as 2004 (with one such prophet called Alan Greenspan “Mr. Bailout"). Or compare an article written about the same time as Kaletsky’s a year ago “Economic Outlook 2008: Darkening Clouds".

Why should anybody believe anything that these guys write? Certainly Kaletsky (and no doubt Aaronovitch when strolling into economics) is a dyed in the wool Keynesian. The experience of the UK in the 1970s and Japan in the 1990s should have been enough to dismiss Keynes as an illiterate and incoherent charlatan (see also here) in the field of Economics (in fact he was not an economist at all).

I make no apologies for the fact that most of my web links herein are to the Ludwig von Mises Institute. As I have said, study the form. And, perhaps more important still, study the theories.

Terry Arthur is the author of Crap: A Guide to Politics. Buy it here from Amazon.co.uk


“If it were possible to substitute credit expansion (cheap money) for the accumulation of capital goods by saving, there would not be poverty in the world". (Ludwig von Mises, Planning for Freedom)

At The Times, there are columnists and there are columnists with chutzpah, such as Anatole Kaletsky and David Aaronovitch, both of whom feature quite prominently in my book.

They are still in stonking form. Thus Kaletsky seems to dare you to look back at his previous columns, presumably in the hope that you won’t. On 15th December he tells us that a year ago he wrote repeatedly for a government-led Plan B which “was duly implemented in January and February". Hence in January Kaletsky wrote “I believe that the global credit crisis, far from taking a turn for the worse, is now almost over". His current excuse (15th December) is that the Bush Administration sabotaged Plan B in September. (Surely it should have been all over by then, though.) Three days later he tells us that “bankers and borrowers need cosseting in the soft eiderdown of zero interest rates". Yet only savers (who abstain from consumption for the sake of capital formation) can shorten the recession, caused as always by guess what – cosseting borrowers. Instead Kaletsky accuses savers of refusing to invest in “productive assets". The trouble here is not only that any savers left are dying from years of cosseting borrowers. Productive capital is similarly scarce and will remain so until boom-time malinvestment is cleared and saving is allowed to flourish... [Click 'read more' to continue]

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