Politics & Government Dr. Eamonn Butler Politics & Government Dr. Eamonn Butler

Moral capitalism


Gordon Brown and David Cameron are riding the same hobby-horse right now – how we need to make capitalism 'more moral'.

Well, let me tell you: even without their kind intervention, capitalism is very much more moral than most of the snotrags in Parliament, who seem to spend most of the time working out how to fiddle their expenses. I don't think politicians have much to teach businesspeople about being moral, quite frankly.

People say that capitalism is based on greed, which must be restrained. No it isn't. It's built on self-interest – which is perfectly natural to us all, and beneficial to our community. Markets are about free people, voluntarily exchanging cash for goods or services. You can only prosper in the market if you give your customers what they want. In every transaction, both sides benefit – they wouldn't do if they didn't – and with millions of sales and purchases going on every day, that spreads benefit through the whole society.

Capitalism is a vast, worldwide collaborative system. It doesn't need political arguments to decide what should be done. It doesn't need force to make people produce things. It produces enormous variety and plenty without any conflict or coercion at all. It's deeply democratic - with people making millions of choices in shops and markets every day, rather than having just one choice at the ballot box every five years. And capitalist societies are more equal. Everyone can aspire to self-improvement – it doesn't depend on you being a member of the right party, or clan, or caste.

And capitalism can only survive within a framework of moral rules. Rules like the respect for property, for example. People won't build up productive businesses if politicians, robbers, or soldiers can simply march in and take everything from them. Capitalism needs a rule of law to survive. And it needs honesty too. Customers aren't going to go back to a supplier who swindles them, or treats them unfairly, or does not honour promises, or even offers poor value. If you want to survive in business, you need to serve your customers, treat them honestly, and win their trust.

Rather different from our monopoly public services, where people get paid whether they do a good job or not. No, capitalism doesn't need politicians to teach it about morality, thank you.

Dr Eamonn Butler's new book, The Rotten State of Britain, is now available to buy now. Click here to find out how.

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Tax & Spending James Lawson Tax & Spending James Lawson

Following through with Free Trade


Protectionism harms and trade helps. Almost all the world’s leaders have come to accept this message, and many even champion it. However, as economies falter, little is actually being done to end the process of ‘beggar thy neighbour’. This may be extremely harmful.

For once, I actually agree with Gordon Brown who argues that, “we must tackle protectionism and not risk a spiral of trade collapse". However, while some of his rhetoric is promising, his actions are less so. Only time will tell whether he means what he says, and follows through on his catchphrases; the lessons of recent history suggest otherwise.

His focus remains on securing a ‘stimulus for trade’ rather than allowing genuine free trade, and his comments on British jobs for British workers are hardly reassuring. Free trade is the process that allows individuals to transact without interference from government. A ‘stimulus for trade’ as described seems less like a removal of barriers, and more like an international stimulus plan. If recent ‘stimuli’ are anything to go by, higher government spending supported by a wave of subsidies and barriers focused towards special interest groups are on the horizon.

This will do little for free trade, or all the people around the world who benefit from trade so significantly. The policy does not determine resource allocation by allowing free exchange between individuals based on comparative advantage. Subsidies, taxes, tariffs, and non-tariff barriers are protectionist even when they are disguised as stimuli.
If Brown is truly dedicated, he will push world leaders to lower their barriers, force the EU to lower the common external tariff towards zero, and if unsatisfactory progress is made, leave Europe altogether to join EFTA. This move would continue to allow the UK access to the single market, thus maintaining all the trade benefits with the EU. Additionally, it would allow us to pursue a much freer trade policy, leading the way forward to the benefit of the mass of consumers and producers in the UK, and to our partners across the world.

In times of economic woe, protecting free trade against special interests is even more vital.

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Tax & Spending Adam Scavette Tax & Spending Adam Scavette

Philadelphia Budget Balance


Yesterday, the Economy League of Greater Philadelphia released a budget challenge in which all can participate. The goal of the challenge is to balance the city’s current 200 million dollar debt by either raising select taxes or cutting funding from city programs. All of the choices reflect current decisions being made in city government. Try to help Philadelphia get back on the right track. If you are an anarcho-capitalist this might prove rather easy.

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Regulation & Industry admin Regulation & Industry admin

A response to the Turner Review


Keith Boyfield, a senior fellow of the ASI and chairman of our Regulatory Evaluation Group, has written a new think piece responding to Adair Turner's Regulatory Response to the Banking Crisis.

He argues that the last thing we want is more staff and more money for the FSA – whose failure is due much blame for the collapse of the UK financial sector. On the contrary, Keith makes the point that, "what is needed is not so much a stack of new regulation, but a regulatory regime that enforces the existing rulebook while eliminating regulations that are either unnecessary or unenforceable." Read the whole piece here.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 911


It´s not so much how much wealth flees from Africa as how much stays there: given the likelihood of its expropriation.

There´s nothing like giving a politician a right good kicking, is there?

Econ geek corner: are special drawing rights actually used to price anything?

More geekery...happiness theory butchers marginal utility theory.

For those saying we should just get on and nationalise the banks. That might not be quite so simple: it might be that some cannot be nationalised.

Well, no one said economists were entirely normal.

And finally, The Guardian appeals to your conscience.

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Tax & Spending Dr. Eamonn Butler Tax & Spending Dr. Eamonn Butler

Inflation and quantative easing


Does the Bank of England's new policy of quantitative easing – printing money, as you or I might call it – threaten us with future inflation, or is it a vital tool to dig us out of deflation? We have debates about it at the Adam Smith Institute, and I even have debates with myself.

This week's inflation figures have done nothing to quell the debate. Though falling house prices and interest rates mean that the Retail Price Index is zero, prices are still not exactly falling. And on the government's preferred Consumer Price Index, prices are still way above the Bank of England's target, at 3.2%. So the Bank is printing money at exactly the same time as the Governor is being forced to write to Gordon Brown to explain why prices are rising so fast.

Of course, the point is that there is a lag between monetary policy and its effects. It can be months, even years. So if you expect prices to fall in the future – as the Bank does – you need to take action now. Hence quantitative easing.

But: will prices fall? And if so, how much? Sure, there are a lot of cash-strapped businesses out there, slashing their prices in order to keep afloat. But many prices seem quite resistant to falling. Food is expensive, which is why supermarkets are some of the only companies making any money. Oil seems to be bottoming out at around $40 a barrel. A 28% drop in the value of the pound in the last 18 months has made imported goods much more expensive. And interest rates can't drop much more.

Money is a sledgehammer, far too massive to be used for fine-tuning. It should grow at a smooth, fixed rate. But the money supply has fallen dramatically over the last year, so arguably, it must be rebuilt. The lag is the snag. If prices are indeed stickier than the Bank thinks, then today's quantitative easing may simply force them up again. If confidence and the economy recovers faster than it expects, it could end up inflating into a recovery and setting off another inflationary boom.

Even if the Bank is right, will it be able to detect the recovery early enough to take its foot off the accelerator. And would it want to? Politicians and central bankers rather like booms. That's why we are in this mess.

Eamonn Butler's new book The Rotten State of Britain is out this month. Hear him talk about quantitative easing on the BBC's World at One here.

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Welfare & Pensions admin Welfare & Pensions admin

A short history of the social rights myth


Jack Straw, the UK’s Justice Minister, has proposed to introduce a new British Bill of Rights, which would establish ‘rights’ to education, housing, healthcare, and so on. Click here to see our latest think piece by Rachel Patterson, in which she examines the evolution of the ‘social rights’ myth, and concludes that while we do have rights to life, liberty, and property, the provision of public goods is simply a matter for the government of the day.

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Tax & Spending Tom Clougherty Tax & Spending Tom Clougherty

The income tax mess




£ 0 – 4,525 0%
£ 4,525 – 6,035 11%
£ 6,035 – 40,040 31%
£ 40,040 – 40,835 21%
£ 40,835 + 41%



£ 0 – 4,940 0%
£ 4,940 – 6,475 11%
£ 6,475 – 43,875 31 %
£ 43,875 + 41 %



£ 0 – 4,940 0%
£ 4,940 – 6,475 11%
£ 6,475 – 43,875 31%
£ 43,875 – 100,000 41%
£ 100,000 – 106,475 61%
£ 106,475 – 140,000 41%
£ 140,000 – 146,475 61%
£ 146,475 + 41%



£ 0 – 6,535 0%
£ 6,535 – 43,875 31.5%
£ 43,875 – 100,000 41.5%
£ 100,000 – 106,535 61.5%
£ 106,535 – 140,000 41.5%
£ 140,000 – 146,535 61.5%
£ 146,535 – 150,000 41.5%
£ 150,000 + 46.5%

In the aftermath of last autumn's pre-budget report, most coverage focused on the temporary reduction in VAT from 17.5 percent to 15 percent and the alarming rate of growth in government borrowing, budget deficits, and national debt. More recently, there has been much talk about the proposed introduction of a new 45p tax rate on incomes over £150,000. It is due to be introduced in 2011, and the Tories say they won't stop it.

What people have generally missed, however, is the complete mess that Alistair Darling proposes to make of the income tax system from 2010 onwards, when people who earn over £100,000 will have their personal allowances phased out. The impact of this bizarrely complicated measure is to create two narrow income bands where the effective income tax rate is 60 percent. If you click 'read more' you will see a series of tables showing the combined income tax and national insurance (which is also set to rise in 2011) rates for the next four financial years – just see if they make any sense to you!

Even if an incoming Tory government did not prevent the introduction of a 45p income tax rate – and I think they should, given the stupidity of increasing the tax on wealth creators when we're trying to encourage economic recovery – I hope they would at least reconsider the government's complicated and irrational plans on the personal allowance. If taxes can't be cut, then they should at least be made simple and transparent. Honest, open government demands it.

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International Fred Hansen International Fred Hansen

Obama the Swede


At a time when President Obama resorts to populist rants against CEOs, dipping his toe in the dangerous waters of class envy, the formidable Charles Murray demonstrates what the janitor and CEO should expect from Obama’s emulation of Old Europe. In a brilliant lecture delivered at the American Enterprise Institute annual dinner, Murray shows that Barak Obama is the model Swede - expanding the role of the state at the cost of individual responsibility, family and private enterprise.

Murray carefully examines the sources of human happiness as developed in the Federalist by the American Founders. He identifies American exceptionalism with the lack of class envy and freedom of one's own destiny. He believes not in comprehensive equality, but for happiness “in the sense of lasting and justified satisfaction".

His thesis maintains that although Europe offered a respectable and viable alternative to the United States, its model is now doomed - but surprisingly not primarily for economic reasons. Rather, Murray is concerned that the culture of the welfare state is draining “too much of the life from life", thus depriving the individual of a source of deep satisfaction which rests on self-determination and managing ones own life. Murray detects four crucial institutions that qualify as sources of deep human satisfaction: family, community, vocation, and faith.

Seen in this light, the goal of social policy should be to ensure that those institutions are robust and vital. The European model doesn’t do that. It enfeebles every single one of them. The problem is this: "Every time the government takes some of the trouble out of performing the functions of family, community, vocation, and faith, it also strips those institutions of some of their vitality – it drains some of the life from them." Importantly, this applies as much to the lives of janitors as it does to the lives of CEO’s.

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Liberty & Justice Andrew Hutson Liberty & Justice Andrew Hutson

The 'Onset' of madness


The current debate on the ever increasing presence of databases reveals a shocking and sinister truth. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the government is using technology to turn this into an Orwellian authoritarian state.

One of the most worrying aspects of these databases is that they are indiscriminate. On the National DNA database there are 500,000 innocent names listed (from a total of 4.5million). The government has taken the identity of these people and labelled them along with murders, rapists and other criminals simply in order to ‘keep tabs’ on them.

Perhaps this would not be so frightening if we knew the government could be trusted with our personal data. This, as we all know, is not the case. There are seemingly endless examples of government officials losing our data or leaving it in folders or on laptops. Worryingly I have had a letter from the government saying that my data ‘may’ have been left on a laptop in a public place – but they cannot be sure. Very reassuring.

On the whole, technology benefits society, but not in the hands of the government. ‘Onset’ is a new tool which is designed to use data to profile a child and assess whether they are likely to become a young offender. The reliability of this software is dubious and makes a mockery of our age-old right of bring ‘innocent until proven guilty’.

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