Tax & Spending Stephen MacLean Tax & Spending Stephen MacLean

Tax freedom for the poor!

Establishing a higher threshold for personal income tax was under much discussion last month — a precursor for conference season debate.  Under the banner of ‘Fairer Tax in Tough Times’, the Liberal Democrats presented plans to increase the scheduled threshold of £9,205 to a suggested rise of £10,000.

Not slow to capitalise on this ‘leak’, the Spectator’s blog drew attention to a Centre for Policy Studies report published by Lord Maurice Saatchi and Peter Warburton in 2001, Poor People! Stop Paying Tax!, that itself recommended £10,000 at which the low-paid began to pay.  For the think tank that Margaret Thatcher and Keith Joseph built, it is absurd that the State ‘even taxes people who can’t afford to pay tax at all.’  But insult is added to injury:

Governments put up tax, which reduces individual incomes and creates more dependence on the state.  And citizens claim more state benefits to compensate.  And so it goes on until the government is claiming billions of pounds a year in taxes from citizens who also claim billions of pounds a year in benefits from the government.

This political duel over who is truly the friend of the poor should set off a policy debate on taxes in general; namely, is it better for taxes to be wide and shallow — that is, paid by everyone, allowing for overall rates to be low — or narrow and deep — again, paid by the wealthy few who are considered able to pay them and, necessarily, rather high?

Read this article.

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Economics, Philosophy Dr. Madsen Pirie Economics, Philosophy Dr. Madsen Pirie

Ten very good things: Advertising

Some things that are good and beneficial are frequently disparaged because they are misunderstood.  I have selected a few such things to put the case in favour, pointing out the good that they do.  These points will be familiar to many of our readers, of course, but they might equip other people with arguments that can defend these ideas against critics.

1.  Advertising

Some suggest that advertising is wasteful, diverting resources into promoting goods that might otherwise be used to lower the price.  It has even been claimed that advertising is coercive, tricking a gullible public into buying goods and services by bombarding them with positive images instead of trying to sell on the basis of quality.

In fact advertising is informative.  It tells the public what goods are available, in what varieties and at what prices.  It is a very competitive industry, with creative minds vying with each other to find new and attractive ways of appealing to what the public is looking for, and of emphasizing the merits that people seek in the goods they buy.

Advertising is often used to promote new or improved products by announcing the edge they have over their rivals.  It is self-regulated, not permitting ads that try to sell goods by making people feel inadequate or inferior without them.  Instead they have to stress the positive aspects of their products.

Some intangible associations add value to products by creating an image for the product that enhances the enjoyment of it.  Malt whisky in India is promoted as an aspirational product, so the young Indians who sip it enjoy not only the whisky, but the feeling that they are headed for success.  And long after the whisky has gone, the memory of that feeling might endure.  When some products are bought, the purchaser buys into a lifestyle linked to them by advertising, and enjoys the intangible associations they bring.

Sports companies are sometimes criticized for promoting expensive brands that young people are encouraged to buy into.  But the fact is that many teenagers are still discovering who they are, and the brands help them to assert an identity linked to their associations.

Far from being wasteful, advertising promotes competition, and that keeps prices keen and quality high; and the images created for products enhance the value of those goods to the purchaser.

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Economics Dr. Madsen Pirie Economics Dr. Madsen Pirie

Greece, Spain, and reality

As riots accompany new austerity measures in Greece and Spain, the euro is plunged into uncertainty again.  Sanguine observers might predict that there will be three such crises in the next year, and that there will be three emergency summits held, and three announcements of new measures to deal with the problem.  On each occasion markets will respond favourably for a very short time, then gloom and uncertainty will return.  Those same observers might predict a further three such sequences in the following year, and three more in the year after that.  And so on.

Oliver Smith in the Telegraph reports informed opinion suggesting that a Greek exit from the euro is now inevitable.  Greece would become a very cheap tourist destination with a devalued drachma, and the tourist industry would experience a boom.  Investment would come in to build hotels and restaurants, and employment would rise.  This process could and should have started two years ago.  If it had, recovery would by now be visible.

It is also true of Spain.  The only solution for them is to quit the euro so that the peseta can find a level that reflects Spain's true position and enables exports to rise and economic growth to take hold.

The economic case for exit might be overwhelming, but it is entirely subordinated to the political case that the European juggernaut must not falter for an instant in its drive to 'ever closer union.'  This gives a strong likelihood that the crises, the summits and the responses will continue for years, along with the civil unrest and misery that accompanies them.  This is where we came in.

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Welfare & Pensions Tim Worstall Welfare & Pensions Tim Worstall

No one should ever get benefits of more than £10,000 a year

The current government has announced that no family will get more than median income in benefits each year. I'm afraid that they're still being hopelessly over-generous here. And I would call into evidence the Baron Skidelsky to prove it to them as well. No one should ever be able to garner benefits of more than £10,000 a year. For as the Noble Lord tells us:

The case against making increased GDP per capita the overriding policy objective is that it doesn’t deliver the increased happiness or welfare if promises. In 1974, the economist Richard Easterlin published a famous paper, “Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot?”. The answer, he concluded, after correlating per capita incomes and self-reported happiness levels across a number of countries is probably “no”. In a refinement dating from 1995, Easterlin found no relationship between income and happiness above an average per capita income level of between $15,000 and $20,000. Other findings confirm Easterlin.

Well, there we have it. Over $15,000 a year you just don't get any happier. This is usually applied to the idea that people who do make more than that £10,000 a year can have chunks of cash nicked from them to be given to those with less with no loss of human happiness. And let us do our ideological enemies the honour of exploring their own argument. Which is, as we can see, that more than £10,000 a year doesn't make you any happier.

Thus, while those with more than this might have room to lose some income in order to make others happier, those who already have £10,000 a year won't be made any happier by gaining more. Nor will anyone receiving benefits of £10,001 be made happier, indeed, someone currently earning £9,990 currently will be made maximally happy by being provided with only another £10.

That is, that our argument that money doesn't make you happy provides an absolute cap on how much it is that the welfare state should try to supply to the poor. We have in fact reached Nirvana: we know how much money to move around, the maximum amount of money that can possibly be usefully applied to making people happier. And that amount isn't £10,000 per person per year. It is only the amount by which each person receives less than £10,000 through their market activities. Or, compared to what is currently spent, virtually nothing.

All we have to do is rejig the system so that everyone's income is topped up to that £10,000 a year level (and why yes, this would include housing benefit, it would even include services in kind like education and the NHS) and we are all as happy as can possibly be.

The only reason this could not possibly be true is if that you don't get happier having more money isn't true. So which idea do the redistributionists want to give up? For it is either more than £10k doesn't make you happier therefore no one needs more welfare than to provide them with £10k or, if more than £10k does make you happier then, well, more than £10k does make you happier.


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Economics Tim Worstall Economics Tim Worstall

Can we please kill the idea that Adair Turner or Robert Skidelsky are economists?

Robert Skidelsky has another of his pieces about how being richer just doesn't make people happier. In it he quotes Adair Truner on a point which really should put to rest the idea that either of them are economists. For it really is a dreadful mistake:

More radical is Turner’s attack on our way of measuring wealth. GDP measures the volume of marketed output, not its quality. But it is the improvement in quality which is chiefly important for satisfaction.

GDP is not the volume of marketed output at all. It is the value of total output at market prices. That valuation at market prices means that we're linking that output to the satisfaction that consumers get from it. No, it's not the total value they do derive from it for there is such a thing as the consumer surplus (people purchase things at market prices because they value them more than the market price).

It's actually the other people, the Soviets, who measured economic output by volume. So many tonnes of cement, so many kilos of copper, so many kilometres of transport provided. We measure economic output by the value of it. Which does, as I say, link economic output to the satisfaction derived from it in a way that purely measuring by volume does not. For the value ascribed to production by market prices does bear some relationship to the satisfaction derived by consumers.

As a critique of announcing the tractor production statistics Turner and Skidelsky have a valid point. Given that we don't do that, have never done that and in fact as the 20th century proves we were right not to do that as a criticism of our current economy it's entirely incorrect. Fatuous even: so can we put to bed the idea that, given their seeming ignorance of the most basic points about our current economic system, either Turner or Skidelsky have anything very much interesting to say to us about how we should alter our current economic system?

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Energy & Environment Dr. Madsen Pirie Energy & Environment Dr. Madsen Pirie

Making a mockery of scientific ethics

Last week saw an outrageous abuse of scientific ethics which deserves wider coverage and denunciation in case it becomes widespread.  French scientists based at Caen had a paper published in the journal "Food and Chemical Toxicology."  The paper concerned the effects on rats who were fed supplements of the herbicide Roundup or a crop genetically modified to tolerate high levels of Roundup.

Unusually, as Arstechnica reports, journalists who wanted advance copies were obliged to sign an agreement not to show the findings to any outside experts before publication.

This unprecedented step meant that the usual process of peer review and assessment which is basic to science was thwarted.  Usually scientific journalists contact outside experts in advance of publication to see what validity the new study has, and to comment on any weaknesses they might see.

In this case they were prevented from doing so, and the initial coverage lacked the analysis that customarily puts such papers in context. Following that initial coverage, the experts found much at fault in the survey.

"The authors used a strain of rats that is prone to tumors late in life. Every single experimental condition was compared to a single control group of only 10 rats, and some of the experimental groups were actually healthier than the controls. The authors didn't use a standard statistical analysis to determine whether any of the experimental groups had significantly different health problems."

Some of them were completely dismissive of any value the report might claim to have.

One called the work "a statistical fishing trip" while another said the lack of proper controls meant "these results are of no value." One report quoted a scientist at UC Davis as saying, "There is very little scientific credibility to this paper. The flaws in the test are just incredible to me."

The point is that the scientific authors deliberately prevented these flaws from being revealed at the time of publication.  They had a field day of uncritical coverage, and violated all the ethics of scientific research to achieve that.  The result is that for years to come anti-GM zealots will cite their findings without any of the criticism that undermined them.

As they say, a lie can be halfway round the world before truth gets its boots on.

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Money & Banking Tim Worstall Money & Banking Tim Worstall

Now that we're getting a government owned investment bank what is the effect of government ownership of banks?

Vince Cable seems to have got his idea of a state owned business investment bank approved. Which seems like a reasonable time to ask what the effects of such state ownership of banks and the banking system is. Or if you prefer, what is the effect of allowing politicians to direct bank lending?

Which is interesting because there's a new paper out which looks at just that. There are two possible views here. One is that politicians are wiser than the accumulated wisdom of the markets (or perhaps their incentives lead them to make better decisions about capital allocation) and that therefore state owned banking will make everyone better off. Given that the part of the Spanish banking system, the cajas, that is bust and near to bankrupting the entire country is that part that was controlled by politicians makes this a tough argument to make. But perhaps that's just Spanish politicians. The other view, the "political" view, is that politicians will use state owned banks to reward their friends and buy votes. This will lead to even worse capital allocation than the market manages and make the future poorer than it needs to be. Having looked around the world the paper tells us that:

We assemble data on government ownership of banks around the world. The data show that such ownership is large and pervasive, and higher in countries with low levels of per capita income, backward financial systems, interventionist and inefficient governments, and poor protection of property rights. Higher government ownership of banks in 1970 is associated with slower subsequent financial development and lower growth of per capita income and productivity. This evidence supports “political” theories of the effects of government ownership of firms.

Ah, OK. So state owned banking is a very bad idea then. Something that should be clear to everyone a priori, even to the politicians rubbing their hands with glee at the idea of being able to buy support and votes. For while you, you near omniscient and incorruptible politician you, might indeed know better than everyone else how to allocate capital the same isn't true of your political opponents. Obviously it could not be for if it were you wouldn't be in the other party than them. But at some point the turns of political fortune are going to mean that they are going to get control of that lending and capital allocation.

This logic works whichever party you belong to: even if you do think that money should be allocated to cooperatives in order to stop the capitalists grinding the poor into the dust at some point the other lot will get in and allocate that same funding to the capitalists to grind the poor into the dust.

Or, as the paper says, we don't want state allocation of credit because it will lead to our children being poorer than they would be without it. For politicians make even worse decisions than bankers do if you could believe such a possibility.

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Politics & Government Chris Harlow Politics & Government Chris Harlow

An accountable monarchy?

It will be interesting to see how the decision to order government to publish confidential letters between Prince Charles and seven Whitehall departments under freedom of information law pans out. A blanket ban on all royal correspondence being disclosed in this way was imposed last year following pressure from the royal family meaning that this will be the last time such information will be publicly available. The monarchy and the Cabinet Office are also fighting the demand by the courts for Whitehall to publish guidance on when to consult the Queen or Prince on changes to the law that may affect their private interests. The secrecy surrounding royal involvement in political affairs does nothing to help a commonly held public perception that they are undeserving of their tax-funded benefits and power.

Let me start by saying that I have nothing against having a monarchy in this country. The burden on the taxpayer is minimal compared with the US Department of State and in return they placate a widespread desire for traditionalism and serve to promote relations both at home and abroad in a way that short-term, partisan politicians could not hope to replicate. Similarly, I have nothing against royal involvement in politics, which is in general a very passive role, but only on the condition that whatever involvement they do have is made public. The monarchy is heralded as being an essential part of limited government, holding back the self-interest of politicians from a non-partisan and impartial perspective. This does beg the question as to why their opinions are such closely guarded secrets. The protective veil over communication regarding policy rightly serves to generate a mistrust of the royal family and fuels the fires of anti-royalists who claim that they are an outdated relic, extravagantly funded by the taxpayer with no right to meddle in public affairs. This will only be ignited further if it is revealed that the Prince has been a significant influence within Whitehall. In order for the monarchy to be legitimised in the eyes of the people, they cannot conceal their influence on issues that are in the public interest.

One could counter by saying that being only two individuals representing the monarchy, the Queen’s and the Prince’s views will necessarily be constricted to a few areas of interest, making it impossible for them to be impartial. To protect limited government therefore, their views would have to kept secret. Yet, a democratic government must be accountable for its actions and this includes the head of state. If they are truly above politics, they should only get involved in order to protect the public from political corruption and damaging, election-seeking policies.

At the other end of the spectrum, it can be argued that the royals are not qualified to get involved in politics at all. The Queen has a wealth of experience, being the longest serving Head of State in the world, but there are some who would argue that she is nonetheless in a position of inherited power. Frank Gardner’s comments on the BBC that the Queen had told him she ‘couldn’t understand why [there was no way to arrest Abu Hamza]- surely there was some law that he had broken’ reveals an emotional reaction as opposed to logical neutrality. Similarly, Prince Charles’ dislike of certain forms of architecture has lead him to intervene in a number of planning developments he has found distasteful, and has lobbied on issues such as the ‘perceived evils of genetically modified crops’ and foxhunting. This is fine and the royals have just as much right to voice their opinion as everyone else, but in return for their inflated influence above the rest of us, they must also be held accountable for their views.

The unique nature of an unelected head of state within a democratic system means that the royal family cannot hope to maintain their legitimacy without disclosing their political correspondence or details of their veto power within the legal process. They are in a privileged position of having the capacity to influence policy in a much more direct way than the electorate and in return should accept that their impartiality must remain accountable.

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Economics Tim Worstall Economics Tim Worstall

On knowing economics before criticising economics

So we've another of these fellahs trying to tell us that economics has got it all wrong. You know the sort of thing: economics doesn't consider pollution or other externalities. When half the subject in recent decades seems to have been about that very point. Or that it doesn't consider value to people properly, only thinks of what can be counted in lucre. When the very definition of economic value is the value to people, both monetary and non-monetary. Here's we've the wallah from the Institute for New Economic Thinking over in the US insisting that we've got to change economics once again:

But what happens when economists' implicit value assumptions break down? Take, for example, the so-called "Easterlin paradox," which teaches that when a person's income rises beyond what's necessary to meet their basic needs it does not increase their happiness. This doesn't match the standard capitalist economic assumption that rising personal wealth leads to increased individual fulfillment. Yet it's been proven time and again. And economics ignores this. Our textbook models remain unchanged.

There's two slight problems to this interesting little thesis. The first being that no one at all ignores the Easterlin Paradox. M'Lord Layard (as an LSE Professor and Labour Peer, ignoring the Old Etonian and Head of Pop bit, about as establishment a figure as it is possible to be) has based much of his happiness economics on this very point. The Spirit Level depends upon it and it's most certainly taught in an undergraduate degree in the subject. So to say that economics ignores this thus we must think again is a little odd. Almost as if the writer doesn't know that standard economics already incorporates what he says it does not.

The second little problem is of course that the Easterlin Paradox is in fact wrong. There is most assuredly a declining marginal utility to money. That last £10 of a £1,000 a day income brings less joy than the first £10 of a £10 a day one most certainly. This on its own leaves room for taxation, moving that £10 from a lower utility use to a higher one if that's what you're looking for. But declining marginal utility, a truth, is not the same as zero marginal utility, the claim. We actually find that there is indeed something of a break point, but that extra joy is still there, it just rises with the log of income rather than the amount.

So perhaps we should rethink economics and root out all of those conclusions that rely upon the Paradox being true after all.

My own assumption about what is really going on in the Paradox is that it isn't actually the level of income at all that makes the difference. It's the growth or not in it. In an economy that's humming along at the standard frontiers of technology pace of 2-3% then people are about as happy as economic growth is going to make them. Zero growth makes people less happy than this optimal rate: and a shrinking economy makes people very unhappy indeed as can be seen all over Southern Europe right now (note that if Easterlin were actually correct then falling incomes above that basic needs level would not make people unhappy. Not something I think we're currently seeing really). Happiness is thus correlated with the rate and direction of change of income, not the level of it.

But as I say, that's an assumption of mine, not something I'd really like to have to prove.

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Planning & Transport Whig Planning & Transport Whig

Grand designs?

The Government's recent announcements on changes to planning are to be welcomed, but they represent a very half-hearted attempt to reduce the disincentives to construction (it's a shame that they also came with dollops of more spending as well). Contra the Local Government Association's propaganda, it is quite clear  that it is the planning system which is the principal contributor to Britain's dire shortage of housing. As I recently pointed out, it is this shortage which explains the lack of affordability of housing - both for purchase and rentals, not to mention the vast economic distortions which this constrained supply creates. These initiatives - where they are not entirely misdirected - are tiny compared to the scale of the problems.

But what government giveth, government also taketh away. This take away is in the form of the Communities Infrastructure Levy, which was introduced in 2010 (stemming from the Labour Government's 2008 Planning Act) and is gradually being implemented. The CIL permits local councils to levy an infrastructure charge on developers in order to fund the demand for new infrastructure created by their development. Unfortunately, CIL does not replace the pre-existing Section 106 Agreements under the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) - often used to subsidise 'affordable housing' - but instead is supplementary. The Section 106 Agreements were rather arbitrary whereas the CIL will at least have the benefit of transparency as it is simply levied on a pre-determined rate per m2.

According to the Department of Communities and Local Government's information: 'Under the system of planning obligations only 6 per cent of all planning permissions brought any contribution to the cost of supporting infrastructure, when even small developments can create a need for new services. The levy creates a fairer system, with all but the smallest building projects making a contribution towards additional infrastructure that is needed as a result of their development.' Immediately we should observe an issue; if the CIL intends to increase the amount of contributions derived from developers then this can only represent a further disincentive to developers to build housing. Whilst there is great stress laid upon the need for Councils to balance the CIL - the rate of which is determined by the individual Councils themselves - with the economic viability of development, this effectively means that Councils can determine how much profit any developer can make. The CIL is expected to derive an extra £1billion p.a. by 2016 for spending on infrastructure - which must represent an additional tax of £1billion on development. This hardly seems likely to encourage something that is in short supply and seems to run contrary to the Government's own stated policy aims.

There are also some rather more unforeseen and pernicious effects of the CIL, as recently reported in the Sunday Times [Homes section 2/9/2012]. Firstly, certain councils appear to be using the CIL and Section 106 to raise revenues in the face of tightening from central government and the decline of the volume of housebuilding, especially as the rates are discretionary.  However, like most regulation and taxation the CIL will hit the small man the hardest - in this case, self-builders. As the CIL is levied on any building over 100m2 it may render many self-builds financially unviable according to the postcode lottery of charges. In the worst instance Wandsworth has set rates at over £500/m2 - given that the average self-build is 200m2 the additional costs are hugely disproportionate to the infrastructure demands of any one household. Again, encouraging self-build was encouraged by the Government, particularly by out-going Housing Minister Grant Shapps. Whilst self-builds account for less than 10% of UK house build, disincentivising them is hardly going to help our dire housing situation.

Of course, there is much more that could be said here regarding the distortionary impacts of government control of infrastructure and planning on the housing market and the resultant difficulties the UK experiences in providing sufficient supply of housing. In this limited space it is sufficient to say that this is an ill-conceived policy that should have been scrapped by the incoming Coalition Government. Instead, it is being turned into a means of making up the shortfalls in council funding at the expense of further residential construction. What we have here is a classic but all-too-typical case of Governments advocating and attempting to stimulate via spending a desired behaviour in one area whilst at the same time Government is disincentivising the very same behaviour by another method. Additional infrastructure construction - if it must come from Government - should instead come from existing budgets by eliminating the vast amount of wasteful spending that local Government currently engages in.  


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