Adam Smith Institute

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Politicians complaining about how politics works

The current complaint from these politicians seems to be that they don't like the way politics works:

The three councils that have suffered the least from cuts in George Osborne’s controversial budget are represented by Tory cabinet ministers, a new analysis shows.

Wokingham, Surrey, and Windsor and Maidenhead have all seen the lowest cuts to their budgets despite being the three least deprived areas in the country. The areas cover the constituencies of five cabinet ministers: Theresa May, Jeremy Hunt, Chris Grayling, Philip Hammond and Michael Gove. 

That Tory cabinet members sit for leafy and well off constituencies is not really one of those things we can get surprised about. We rather think it's the nature of the beast to be frank.

But the complaint goes further:

Jon Trickett, shadow secretary of state for communities and local government, said the analysis confirmed that Osborne’s commitment to austerity was ideological. “It is disgraceful that the most deprived areas in our country are bearing the brunt of the Tory government’s ideological cuts to local services when the least deprived areas, which happen to be home to five of David Cameron’s top ministers, are seeing the least amount of cuts,” he said.

“To add insult to injury, these deprived areas did not receive a penny in the £300m transitional grant whereas the three least deprived received over £33m. Most people would come to the conclusion that the Tories are ruling in their own interest.”

Well, yes, we suppose they are. And we suppose that's why people voted for Tories really: so that the Tories would do things in favour of the people who voted Tory. We are actually pretty sure that's the way this democracy thing is supposed to work. People vote for what they think is in their best interest and whoever is elected then goes off and does that, yes?  

However, it's not quite necessary to revel in such cynicism to be able to explain what is really happening here. Way back in the Blair years, under the Brown Terror, there was significant redistribution of local government resources from those richer, leafier suburbs to the poorer and more likely to be Labour run areas of the country. The Coalition was rather an interregnum and now under a Tory government that redistribution is being undone.

Maybe it's a good thing that it is, maybe it's not a good thing. But that is what is happening: simply the unwinding  of a policy of a government after said government lost an election. Which is, at least we think it is, the way this democracy thing is supposed to work, isn't it?