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European Students for Liberty Conference 2013

On March 8th-10th, European Students For Liberty (ESFL) will present the second ESFL Conference, hosted by the Classical Liberal Students Association at the Catholic University of Leuven (15 minutes away from Brussels) in Belgium. Inviting students, graduates, and guests across the continent, ESFLC will feature lectures from scholars and activists in the liberty movement, free meals, books, pamphlets and campus swag for student groups to take back to their universities. Students will be able to connect with top liberty organizations to find information on internships, jobs, seminars and conferences at the liberty fair. Evening socials with speakers and students will top off Friday and Saturday nights in the Leuven area for lively discussions and good cheer for liberty.

Confirmed speakers include James Turk of the GoldMoney Foundation, Tom Palmer of the Atlas Network, David and Emily Skarbek of King’s College, entrepreneurs like John Chisholm and Daniel Model, and more. A lively student debate on rival concepts of liberty will give students an exciting and thought-provoking opportunity to engage with their peers. ESFL invites all students to participate and join the largest pro-liberty network among young people across Europe. With registrations currently spanning over twenty five countries, this will be a prime opportunity to forge new friendships, share ideas and further advance key debates and conversations about the philosophy of liberty. All conference details and registration information are located on ESFL’s conference webpage.

Seats are going fast, so those interested should reserve their spots sooner rather than later! We expect more than 300 friends of liberty to come to the ESFLC. The ESFL team is looking forward to seeing you and your friends in March!  Gathering the brightest young minds interested in liberty helps bring us one step closer to a free academy and a free society.

Check out last year's conference video.

When: 8th-10th of March 2013

Where: Leuven, Belgium. Located 15 minutes outside of Brussels

Conference fee: 30 Euros students / 45 Euros non-students (until 31st of January). Late registration: 40€/55€

Your registration fee includes: all meals provided, three days of speakers, Liberty Fair, networking, and awesome socials

Expected number of participants: more than 300

Conference website and registration link: ESFL’s conference webpage

For more updates please check out Facebook and Twitter.