Adam Smith Institute

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Empathy for a modern day slave


Cristiano Ronaldo is under fire for claiming he is like a slave because Manchester United will not release the final year of his contract so he can play at Real Madrid. We should all mourn this blatant violation of human rights.

Poor Ronaldo. In 2004, Man U exploited a helpless and innocent teenager, and then tricked him into signing a new contract in 2006 for £56 million 2010. When he said, "United have stood by me and been there for me and I want to repay that," it was probably against his will. Those monsters at Man U made him say it. In April 2007, he renegotiated his contract through 2012 for £120,000 per week and said, "I am very happy at the club and I want to win trophies and hopefully we will do that this season."

Those guys in Manchester United can manipulate anyone to say anything. It’s ludicrous to believe anyone could possibly be happy playing football for a living—especially for such little money. It won’t be long until the bosses at Man U realize their errors and write the greatest hymn of anguish and repentance since “Amazing Grace" and Ronaldo releases his album of freedom songs.

For someone named after the Great Ronald Reagan, Ronaldo should realize that this is actually called CAPITALISM, not slavery. Two people negotiate, agree on the terms of a contract, and sign it. Then both parties do what they agreed. In this case Man U agreed to pay Ronaldo a ridiculous amount of money and Ronaldo agreed to play football for 5 years. A little different than being transported from Africa to South Carolina in the barracks of a terrible ship, being sold from one owner to the other, and performing forced labour your whole life…