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Cancelling Cancel Culture

Click here to register for the Adam Smith Institute webinar.

Academics and editors sacked, authors and celebrities in social media storms, and even normal people falling foul of workplace policies.Cancel culture isn’t entirely new, we have heard concerns about “political correctness” and “free speech” for years, but it seems to be reaching new heights.

There is substantial concern that open debate and intellectual diversity are being replaced with ideological conformity. Innocent people are being condemned, important debates not being had, and a chilling effect will undermine society.

Opponents of the cancel culture narrative contend, however, that this is simply privileged individuals seeking to avoid or downplay unwanted criticism. That public statements and actions are subject to public scrutiny, and that cancel culture is just confected pearl clutching from establishment figures.

President Donald Trump highlighted culture at his Mount Rushmore speech, arguing it to be “the very definition of totalitarianism”. It is clear the concept is now at the heart of political discourse. Does it represent a genuine affront to free speech, intellectual rigour and free expression, or is the cancel culture narrative just an attempt by those with bad ideas to avoid scrutiny?


John Macdonald is the Head of Government Affairs at the Adam Smith Institute (Host)

Mike Graham is a presenter at TalkRadio

Rebecca Lowe is a research director at an investment company, co-founder of Radical and former director of FREER.

Konstantin Kisin is a comedian and host of the TRIGGERnometry show.

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