Using free markets to create a richer, freer, happier world. 

The Adam Smith Institute is one of the world's leading think tanks. Independent, non-profit, and non-partisan, we work to promote neoliberal and free market ideas through research, publishing, media commentary, and educational programmes. The Institute is today at the forefront of making the case for free markets and a free society in the United Kingdom.

Freedom from poverty through markets and economic growth

Central to our mission is our belief that free markets work best for the poor. No system has raised people out of poverty and given them the freedom to live their lives as they wish like free markets have, and in politics today it is usually the poorest people who bear the brunt of the government's worst policies in areas like education, health and welfare. Our mission is to use free markets to end poverty in Britain and around the world. We believe in:

  • Low, simple, flat taxes that encourage investment and innovation, and hence economic growth.

  • A voucher-based education system that gives parents and schools complete freedom over how and where children are educated.

  • A privately-provided, publicly-funded healthcare system where patient outcomes are the focus.

  • Freedom of trade with the world, and a liberal immigration system that is designed to work for migrants and natives alike.

  • A liberalised planning system that lets many more houses be built, so everyone can afford to own their own home.

  • A simple welfare system based around a Negative Income Tax or Basic Income that tops up the wages of the poor and guarantees that work always pays.

  • Free market money and an end to bailouts of private banks, in all their forms.

Read more about our policy positions.

Young people are inherently capitalist- they are entrepreneurial, commercially-minded and ambitious. Despite this, ‘capitalism’ is a dirty word for too many young people.

In order to change this, we want to demonstrate that only free markets and a free society can deliver the solutions to the challenges that young people face, through educational outreach and our new Fellowship Programme.

We want to build lasting relationships with the policy-makers of the future, and so will be offering twelve young writers the chance to join our Next Generation Fellowship Programme, giving them the opportunity to produce research on the issues that matter most to them.

This year marks the 50th year anniversary of Friedrich Hayek's Nobel Prize.We strongly believe that Hayek's ideas are as relevant as ever and want the younger generation to have the chance to be inspired by them too. We find younger people to be particularly amenable to these ideas since they align so well with their intrinsic entrepreneurial spirit and a healthy distrust of authority. Promoting Hayek’s ideas to the under 35s demographic has the potential to solidify their instincts and turn the tide for their generation and the country as a whole.

F.A. Hayek was Chair of our Academic Advisory Board and our co-founder Dr Eamonn Butler received the Hayek Lifetime Achievement Award in 2023. Our Chairman was the President of the Hayek Society at Oxford University, and our Director of Research founded the Hayek Society at LSE (London School of Economics). Marking the occasion is therefore not just core to our beliefs, it is also very close to our hearts

Our project aims to seize the momentum arount this anniversary to build awareness and excitement about Hayek’s ideas with the new generation. Our project is comprised of:

  • Bring ideas to life to young audiences: Recording high-quality video material on the key ideas (the spontaneous order, the use of information in society, the sensory order) linked to their relevance in 2024 to post across social media platforms (combined following of 125.1k).

  • Republishing two books: ‘Hayek on the Foundation of a Free Society.’ (by our co-founder Dr Eamonn Butler) and ‘Hayek: A commemorative Album’

  • Hosting a seminar at the London School of Economics and a reception at the House of Lords.

  • Creation of Merchandise

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The Theory of Moral Sentiments

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The Life of Adam Smith

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The Wealth of Nations

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