ASI report Sound Money features as lead story in the Daily Telegraph (Business)

The ASI's latest paper "Sound Money" has featured in The Telegraph as the lead story in the Business section. The paper, which calls for dramatic monetary policy reform, was also featured on the front page of The Telegraph in a teaser for the main article.

The Bank of England should abolish the Monetary Policy Committee and dump its inflation target because the regime has been responsible for creating a century of boom and bust, a think-tank has claimed.

The Adam Smith Institute (ASI), a free market think-tank, has said in a report that the central bank’s monetary interventions have made the UK more prone to banking crises, and have caused the wider economy to become less stable.

At present, the nine-strong Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decides on UK monetary policy. Eamonn Butler, the ASI’s director, said this group of experts had “done a very poor job of managing our money”.

Read the full article here.